The Hard drive failures can be classified as Physical damage and logical damages. A logical recovery is performed on a hard drive that is mechanically and electronically functioning properly but the data has become unusable due to corruption or file damage from user error, external hardware failure or virus attack. Hard drives have a ‘table of contents’ that guide the computer to the location of the stored files. If the table of contents becomes corrupted, locating the desired files becomes impossible.
The more common damage type is logical damage to a file system.Smart Data Recovery have decades of combined experience with corrupt, deleted and overwritten data, and we use proprietary utilities developed in our laboratories to repair damaged files and directory structures. Under most circumstances, we can recover data within limited days of receiving your hard drive.The most important thing is that you should not attempt to work your hard drive if you suspect a logical failure. Hard drives constantly read and write information while operating and booting your drive may overwrite data and complicate the recovery process.So, if you encounter any such circumstances, please contact us soon as the data is more valuable to you.Smart Data can offer the transparent procedure to make the data 100% confidential and safe in our hands. Internal hard drive repair
External hard drive recovery
Laptop hard drive backup
Desktop hard drive restore
Raid hard drives recovery
Camera hard drives backup
Mac book/ Apple Computer Hard Drive
Read and write Haed Failure
I/O Errors Disk Read Error Fixed Disk
PCB/Circuit Board Damage
Firmware Damage
Clicking Noice/Beep Sound
Hard Disk Fell down/dropped
Water Damage HDD Recovery
Abu Dhabi Hard Disk Recovery
Physical/Logical Damage